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About Me



Oct 2019 - Nov 2019
Styrel | Le Plessis-Pâté
Study and Development Engineer
During my training, I improved myself on the use of LabVIEW and I learned how to use Teststand and LabWindows/CVI. I also had a project that consisted in the development of the HCI under LabVIEW to automate the sequencing of a pressure controller. That involved using a state-machine structure and the interaction with PACE6000 drivers.
Feb 2019 - Aug 2019
S'Tile | Poitiers
Trainee Engineer
For my end-of-study internship, I wanted to work as a research and development engineer in the field of photovoltaics. In the company S'Tile, I lead a project about the study of a new method for interconnecting solar cells. I was quite autonomous on this project, doing the modelling, designing the machines, contacting the suppliers, running the experiments, and confronting the results with the simulations.
Sep 2018 - Jan 2019
Erasmus Semester
I chose to spent my first semester of my 5th grade abroad, in order to perfect my english, and to discover a new culture. IST in the best engineering university of Portugal. I was able to complement my education with Modelling, Product Development and Entrepreneurship (group project, presentations), Materials Selection and Design (software CES Edupack), Sustainable Development (seminars), and Functionnal Materials (semiconductors, electronics).
May 2018 - Aug 2018
Keopsys | Lannion
In my 4th grade, I did an internship to discover a bit more the job of engineer. I worked in Keopsys, a company specialised in fiber lasers, and fiber amplifiers. My internship was divided into three parts : I first worked on the production line, and did the assembly of amplifiers module. The second part was about the characterization of other modules (noise measurements), and its integration into benchtops (C-programming). In the third part, I participated to some experiments for cycling measurements and I did some bibliography research to compare components for a new product.
Sep 2016 - Nov 2017
SGMétiers | Rennes
SGMétiers is a student association that organize a one-week-trip for the student of our class in order to visit companies, and help the students in their professional project's ideas. As the treasurer, I dealt with all the financial part : building the forecast budget, seeing to the bank... I also participated to all the asides of the project such as looking for companies or accomodation, as well as supervising the group during the trip.
Sep 2016 - Jun 2017
Ouest INSA | Rennes
Commercial Development Agent
Ouest INSA is the Junior Enterprise of INSA Rennes. A Junior Enterprise is like a traditionnal company, following a consulting firm model. It allows students to achieve missions for professionals with remuneration. As a Commercial Development Agent, I had to reasearch new markets, participating to exhibition or cold calling companies, to offer our services to professionnals. I also did project monitoring, doing the link between the student and the client, supervising the progress of the project.
Sep 2016 - Jun 2019
Materials Engineering
After my two years of preparatory classes, I specialized into Materials Engineering, because I've always been interested in theoratical physic, and the behavior of matter. My education involved three big subjects : Micro-optoelectronics (semiconductors, photonics, lasers, transistors...), Materials Characterization (crystallography, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy...), and Instrumentation and Measurements (Modelling, LabVIEW, Silvaco). I also studied Metallurgy, Polymer, or Quantum Mechanic to a lesser extent.
Sep 2015 - Apr 2017
Run'INSA | Rennes
Communication Manager
Run'INSA Orange is an association in partnership with the company Orange that organise a team relay race on the campus. Teams are composed of students and corporate employees in order to encourage students building their professionnal network. As the Communication Manager, I was in charge of a 8-member team, and I dealt with Desktop Publishing (flyers, posters), social networking (facebook and twitter), and also media relations (radios and newspapers).
Sep 2014 - Jul 2016
Preparatory classes
After my Science Baccalaureate, I integrated the "Institut National des Sciences Appliquées" of Rennes in preparatory classes. During my two years of Sciences and Techniques for Engineers (STPI), I acquired the scientific bases and techniques that are essentials for the pursuit of my education. I studied subjects such as mathematics, electronic, computing, or mechanic.
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Knowledge is power.

- Francis Bacon

Nature is a library, read it instead of burning it.

- Idriss Aberkane

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

- Thomas A. Edison

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will Live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

- Albert Einstein